
Testosterone Replacement Therapy

Medical Spa located in Peachtree City, GA

Testosterone Replacement Therapy

Testosterone Replacement Therapy for Peachtree City, GA | ThriveMD Health Spa | Medical Spa

Up to 40% of people worldwide may have low testosterone levels. At ThriveMD Health Spa in Peachtree City, Georgia, skilled anti-aging providers offer testosterone replacement therapy to boost your levels and help you look younger, gain confidence, and feel more like yourself. Schedule an in-person or telehealth evaluation at ThriveMD Health Spa by calling the office or requesting an appointment online today. 

Testosterone Replacement Therapy Q & A

What is testosterone replacement therapy?

Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) at ThriveMD Health Spa consists of patches, gels, shots, or subdermal pellets placed underneath your skin. They contain testosterone that is slowly released into your body over time to create balance. 

TRT is helpful for patients with low testosterone levels struggling with bothersome symptoms, such as muscle loss, sexual dysfunction, fatigue, and hair loss. 

ThriveMD Health Spa offers convenient telemedicine consultations for TRT, so you don’t have to leave the comfort of your home to begin the treatment process.

What are the benefits of testosterone replacement therapy?

The benefits of testosterone therapy at ThriveMD Health Spa for individuals with low testosterone include:

  • More energy
  • Increased muscle mass
  • Fat loss
  • Healthier weight management
  • Less erectile dysfunction (ED) in men
  • Increased libido
  • Enhanced cognition 
  • Better sleep
  • Stable mood
  • Stronger bones 
  • Thicker hair
  • Greater self-confidence
  • Improved quality of life

ThriveMD Health Spa also offers hormone replacement therapy (HRT) for women, peptide therapy, weight loss medications, Botox® and fillers, regenerative medicine, and other innovative anti-aging and wellness solutions. 

Am I a candidate for testosterone replacement therapy?

Your ThriveMD Health Spa expert creates a treatment plan based on your personalized needs. 

During an in-person or telemedicine consultation, they discuss your medical history, review your symptoms, complete a physical exam, and order blood tests to evaluate your current testosterone (and other hormone) levels. You must complete bloodwork in person. 

What should I expect during testosterone replacement therapy?

What to expect during testosterone therapy depends on the type of treatment you undergo. You might place putty-like material above your teeth, inject testosterone under your skin or within your muscle, place a patch on your skin, or receive subdermal pellets. 

During pellet insertion, your provider numbs your skin and makes a tiny incision to insert hormone pellets near your upper bottocks. The pellets gradually release testosterone into your body during the course of about 3-6 months before needing to be replaced. 

When will I notice results after testosterone replacement therapy?

It might take a few weeks or months before you notice the results of testosterone therapy. Continue hormone treatment as directed by your provider and call the ThriveMD Health Spa office at any time to answer questions or refill a prescription. 

You’ll need periodic blood testing to track hormone levels and in-person or virtual follow-up visits to ensure your treatment works effectively. Your provider can alter your treatment plan whenever needed.

Schedule an in-person or telemedicine evaluation at ThriveMD Health Spa by phone or request one online today to learn more about testosterone replacement therapy and if it’s right for you.