

Medical Spa located in Peachtree City, GA


Bloodwork for Peachtree City, GA | ThriveMD Health Spa | Medical Spa

Blood testing evaluates your overall health status and the best way to combat unwelcome signs of aging. At ThriveMD Health Spa in Peachtree City, Georgia, the skilled med spa specialists order bloodwork to guide treatment decisions that ensure highly effective anti-aging solutions and a superior quality of life. Schedule an in-person or telehealth evaluation at ThriveMD Health Spa by calling the office or requesting a visit online today. 

Bloodwork Q & A

What is bloodwork?

Bloodwork ordered by the experts at ThriveMD Health Spa involves taking a sample of your blood and sending it to a lab to assess various health components. 

A full hormone panel or other bloodwork panels allow your specialist to determine if you’re a candidate for testosterone replacement therapy (TRT), estrogen therapy, other forms of hormone replacement therapy, weight loss medications, peptide therapy, or similar anti-aging treatments.

What can bloodwork detect?

Bloodwork can detect the following conditions and more:

  • Testosterone, estrogen, or progesterone imbalances
  • Thyroid hormone disorders
  • Other hormonal concerns
  • High cholesterol
  • Nutrient deficiencies
  • High blood sugar
  • Prediabetes
  • Diabetes
  • Arthritis

Blood testing is a highly important diagnostic procedure that guides restorative treatment processes at ThriveMD Health Spa. 

Do I need bloodwork?

To understand if you’re a candidate for bloodwork or other diagnostic tests, a ThriveMD Health Spa specialist visits with you in person or via telemedicine. They discuss your medical history, symptoms, medications, lifestyle habits, and more. 

Bloodwork is useful to evaluate your overall health and determine the root cause of bothersome symptoms — such as fatigue, weight gain, thinning hair, and sexual dysfunction. It also allows your ThriveMD Health Spa specialist to determine the effectiveness of your current treatment, particularly if you’re undergoing hormone replacement therapy. 

What should I expect when completing bloodwork?

Blood testing is a simple and quick process. Your provider uses a tiny needle to take a sample of your blood. They send the sample to a lab for analysis. When the ThriveMD Health Spa team receives the results, they review them with you and determine how to address any concerns.

What do the results of my bloodwork mean?

The results of your bloodwork can detect disease risk factors and determine if you’re a candidate for treatment. Based on the results, the ThriveMD Health Spa specialists create a personalized solution that best matches your needs. They may order additional blood testing every few months or as needed to determine if a treatment works effectively.

Don’t hesitate to contact the ThriveMD Health Spa office any time with questions or if you develop new symptoms. 

Take advantage of bloodwork and anti-aging solutions at ThriveMD Health Spa by scheduling an in-person or telehealth appointment by phone or requesting one online today.